Charleston shooter Dylann Roof Appears in Victim's Snapchat Video

Suspect Dylann Roof pleaded guilty to the Charleston Shooting on Friday, and a Snapchat video taken by victim Tywanza Sanders, 26, shows Roof at the scene just moments before shooting them. In the short video taken by Sanders, Dylann Roof sits at the edge of a paper-strewn table. He is surrounded by the church-goers who appear to be unaware of the events that are about to unfold. The video is the only known footage of what went on in the bible study before the massacre that left nine people dead.

This video was sent to Mashable and and other media outlets. It was confirmed by four of the victim’s friends, some of whom posted the following tweets when they realized who was in it .

Tywanza Sanders was the youngest victim of the Charleston Shooting.tywanza snapchat.png

-Matré Grant
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