“Jackass” Star Steve-O Released on Bail After Anti SeaWorld Stunt


“Jackass” Star, Stephen Glover, better known as Steve-O, is released on bail after an anti-SeaWorld stunt he pulled in Hollywood. On Sunday, over 80 firefighters and LA police officers fled to the scene, which took place on a crane on West Avenue. Steve-O filmed his entire stunt while wearing a “Blackfish” T-Shirt, representing a documentary on orcas in captivity. According to Los Angeles Times, Glover hinted at the stunt earlier that day via Instagram. He uploaded a photo that captioned, “This is Shammy. We’re gonna do a big dangerous stunt tomorrow in Los Angeles that will probably get me in a lot of trouble.” He was right about that!


This is Glover’s second demonstration against SeaWorld. The first one took place on top of a freeway sign in San Diego. There, he stood next to  the words “SeaWorld Sucks.” This stunt was also filmed and posted to Youtube. He ended up being charged with a traffic violation. This time around, the stunt performer is expected to be charged with setting a firework without permit, suspicion of trespassing, and conspiracy of a crime. Steve-O definitely takes “stand up for what you believe in” to another level, literally. His bail was $5,000, and is scheduled for court on August 31.

-Alexandria Moreland
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