What Black Panther did for Spike Lee


American film director, producer and actor Spike Lee has always been known for his stance on activism and empowerment. In recent years, Spike Lee has made his voice heard through controversial topics, while also giving his opinion on other people’s films. When it comes to films, some would say that Spike is a hard critic to please.

This year’s Tribeca Film Festival held a panel discussion with Spike Lee and Alec Baldwin, who is also known for his outspoken opinion on America and politics. The audience was of course ready for controversy and their questions showed it. One audience member in particular wanted to get Spike’s take on Black Panther. Lee admitted that he has seen the film four times already and that the film changed everything not only for him, but for all people of color. Lee also added that he has a different outlook on the world as a result of the Marvel creation.

The discussion didn’t end there however, Lee also spoke on former NFL quarterback, Colin Kaepernick's situation in comparison to what Marlon Brando experienced in the 1954 drama film “On the Waterfront.” It wouldn’t be Spike if he didn’t drop jewels and leave the audience with something to think about.


TaTyana Wilson


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