Makeup Guru Jeffree Star's inventory takes a beat-down, $2.5 million in product loss

Payback is a B*tch and this contour qween is undergoing some major shade!

YouTube star and Makeup Artist Jeffree Star lost a total of $2.5 million in makeup products. This is a huge loss for one of his businesses that all started with makeup tutorials on YouTube. Apparently, the products that were stolen were highlighters, lip liners and an unreleased shade of concealer.

In the past Jeffree Star has been criticized for his racist comments that were made several years ago. While some Jeffree Star fans may be crying over the loss, some are feeling no guilt at all. Looks like you can purchase the makeup products at you local black market retailer.

as been criticized for his racist comments that were made several years ago. While some Jeffree Star
fans may be crying over the loss, some are feeling no guilt at all. Looks like you can purchase the makeup
products at your local black market retailer. 

-Carlie B.
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