Harry and Megan Start a New Chapter

Image result for prince harry and meghan markle
Prince Harry and Megan Markle have made a controversial decision today as they have decided to resign from their roles as senior members of the British royal family. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are no longer financially dependent on the Queen of England and will have to find their own jobs. While many suspect Markle will go back to her job as an actress, especially after her killer performance in USA’s Suits, Harry will probably be looking elsewhere. In the meantime, the couple seem to have started their own website, appropriately titled Sussex Royal, where they will chronicle their new life together and have possible plans to start a charity, which isn’t unheard of considering Megan’s previous philanthropist streak.
Image result for prince harry and meghan markle
  While there is an idea as to what they’re going to do in the future, the reason as to why they’re doing this is an unknown. According to NBC news, in a statement written by the Prince against British Tabloids, Harry states, "I’ve seen what happens when someone I love is commoditized to the point that they are no longer treated or seen as a real person," he said. "I lost my mother and now I watch my wife falling victim to the same powerful forces." This could possibly mean that the couple wants to stay away from the constant onslaught of British media criticizing their every move and at times being blatantly racist towards Megan and baby Archie. They also have stated interest in a part time North American home where they plan to switch between the UK and the U.S, thinking it would be good for their son, Archie. Whatever the reason, the Duke and Duchess are starting a new chapter in their life, and hopefully, it will be for the better.

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