Swift vs. West

Pop sensation Taylor Swift is in outrage over an implication Kanye West made in his song, Famous. Alongside Swift’s public criticism comes talk of consent from the West family and lawyers.

Wife Kim Kardashian backs Kanye in GQ interview, stating conversation between rapper and singer about the lyrics was recorded. The discussion consists of Taylor Swift consenting to the track, while also agreeing to make the song a laughing matter at the Grammy awards! Swift does not deny the discussion but claims she had yet to hear the song, therefore, she could not properly approve! The dispute continued as Taylor Swift had her lawyers demand the recording be destroyed. Her argument being the conversation was classified and brief as it took place while vacationing with her family in January.

The singer says she does not blame Kim for her statements and that she is simply repeating what her husbands says. After taking a feminist stance in 2014 her consent may appear to be contradicting to her “beliefs” on the homage of women.

Taylor White
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