Ten Million for Blue Ivy?

Is ten million dollars enough for a trademark? Well, that’s what Veronica Morales thinks. Morales has been the owner of a Boston, MA event planning service, called “Blue Ivy,” since 2009. If that name sounds familiar, that’s because you know a little girl whose name is also Blue Ivy. Yep, the daughter to BeyoncĂ© and Jay -Z. Since the birth of their daughter in 2012, the Carters have been attempting to get the “green light” to trademark her unique name, but what they didn’t realize was that it’s already been taken.

The Carter and Morales legal teams have been in a constant battle about who will win the rights to the trademark the name, as Morales has not backed down. The Carters have even tried to change the trademark from Blue Ivy to Blue Ivy Carter, but Morales ended that battle too! BUT, for 10 million dollars she will let them win. Will this battle continue until the “end of time?” Let’s see how bad the Carters really want this name.

-Nkafu Foretia

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